February 7, 2013


It's human nature to develop habits. Mine as of late is an extremely simple hair routine, which either includes straight strands, a sock bun, or a simple pony tail. My high school self would be thoroughly disappointed in me - I garnered the nickname, "Wedding" in 11th grade, due to my elaborate hair experiments that were apparently suitable for a bridesmaid. While I certainly don't feel the need to embrace that nickname again, I do miss challenging myself with more intricate styles. Sometimes a little re-evaluating is key. For instance, I recently discovered that I really like my hair parted in the middle as opposed to on the side. It still feels simple and easily done, but polished and pulled together -  a baby step in the right direction. Here are some other styles I'd like to try:
A loose, messy half-up do
A wavy pony, complete with the cutest bow elastic.
A sleek alternative to a low bun.
A braided headband.

What's your go-to hairstyle? 

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  1. I love pretty ponies. The one with the ribbon is really catching my eye!

    The Glossy Life

  2. Love the simple pony tail with the cute elastic bow:)!

  3. Love the messy up do looks!

    xo Jennifer



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